Having attended high school at a boarding school almost in the middle of nowhere, I was certain that when looking into universities I wanted to be close to a city, and within driving distance of many beautiful places. I can confidently say among many amazing things, Tufts perfectly has this specific quality I was looking for. We recently had a three day weekend because of President’s Day, so 10 friends and I decided to take a trip off campus. Tufts is perfectly located just south of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine filled with beautiful forests and lakes to visit. Since coming to Tufts, I’ve been to multiple of the states that neighbor Massachusetts, having many friends from all over with an interest in seeing new places. I am extremely grateful to have found friendships that encourage me to seek out new things and experiences.
The 11 of us decided to drive up to Maine after our Friday classes at around 3pm and arrived around 6pm. We took three cars to fit everyone comfortably, packed skis and ski boots and other winter equipment and headed out for three nights. One of our friends was incredibly generous to have us stay at their cabin right on Webb Lake. We spent our time skiing, and going for walks on the lake and through the woods and doing homework and studying looking over beautiful Webb Lake. Being from Florida, I’ve had very little opportunity to travel so far north, let alone see a frozen lake for the first time! My group of friends and I that went on this trip are from all over the world, but whether from Australia or Massachusetts we all enjoyed the company and the nature just the same. Cooking three meals a day for eleven people was definitely chaotic, but we all had an amazing time spending time with each other in a new place.
The location of Tufts makes it so incredibly easy to plan and take trips such as the one I’ve written about not only because of location, but also because of the curiosity that lives within Tufts students to experience and see more! To attend a school where I’m surrounded by the desire to seek out new opportunities whether that be a 15 minute T ride into Boston, or a longer trip all the way to Maine makes me feel very fortunate.