Welcome to a day in my life as a third-year clinical psych student at Tufts! Mondays are one of
my favorite days but also one of the worst because my day starts at 9 am and doesn’t end until 9
pm. Yeah... I know. Although in my defense, I have a few big chunks of time throughout the
Alright, let’s get this random Monday started!
8:10 am: Not gonna lie, this is probably the fifth alarm that has gone off since 7:30 am just to get
me to wake up. The day has just started and I already need to rush to get ready.
9:28 am: I’m sitting in my seminar for clinical psychology class with only a couple of minutes to
collect my thoughts before class starts. Did I do the readings for this week? Did I finish my
assignments for class tonight? Hmm... I wonder what I should have for lunch.
11:30 am: Class has just ended and now I have some free time until 3 pm. I don’t know if I
should grab a meal, take a quick nap, or catch up on some homework.
2:56 pm: I decided to spend the past 3.5 hours doing homework and some other assignments
for the week and grabbed a quick snack from Hotung (one of our on-campus cafes).
3:00 pm: Now for one of my favorite parts of the day! Research meetings wooo! I’m on a
research team in the Child Study and Human Development department where we’re exploring
representation in children’s media! I love our meetings because they provide me with so much
insight and nuance on the topic of media representation.
3:45 pm: I’ve just made it to work at the library!! I’m definitely a bit out of breath because I had
to walk up the hill to get here but at least I got in some exercise for the day. Low-key rethinking
this whole college on-a-hill thing...
5:30 pm: Wooo finally off.. Now what? My last class isn’t until 6:30 so let’s cook a quick meal
(I’ve been trying to learn how to cook... eventually my endeavors will pay off... hopefully).
8:47 pm: Just got out of my physiological psych class and my day is officially over! I think some
rest is in order... after I review my notes from class.
9:30 pm: So, I made the impromptu decision to go jump rope—it’s been a workout that has been
rather enjoyable lately and pretty nostalgic!
1:00 am: I’ve spent the past hour just scrolling through social media so I will definitely be
calling it a night.
Thanks for joining me on this random Monday in my life. If you haven’t already, have you
caught up in rest and spent some time decompressing? Please take time for yourself even if it’s
only five minutes.
See ya on another random day ;)
Much love,