The Role of Writing in an Art School Application, Part 3: Portfolio Captions
If you’re thinking of applying to the BFA or Combined Degree program at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts, you may already know that SMFA…
I grew up in a town about 15 miles north of Boston, but it might as well have been across the country; once I moved to downtown Boston to go to art school, I never really looked back. No offense to my very sweet hometown, but this city is so packed with people to meet, art to see, and food to eat that it’s kept me pretty busy in the last decade or so. Even though I spend lots of time supporting students who are interested in our BFA and Combined Degree programs, I love telling anyone who will listen about everything Boston has to offer and how Tufts University can help you explore it.
If you’re thinking of applying to the BFA or Combined Degree program at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts, you may already know that SMFA…
Tufts has tons of options for students interested in film, video, media, and everything in between. In this blog, we’ll cover some of the offerings…
When you visit the Common Application or the Coalition Application by Scoir platform to fill out and submit your application to Tufts, you'll notice…
Prospective Tufts students applying to the BFA or Combined Degree programs at SMFA at Tufts are required to submit a visual art portfolio of 15-20 images…
[This post is for the artists out there. Whether you plan to earn your BFA at SMFA at Tufts, pursue the Combined Degree BFA+BA/BS program, minor in…