Question 3B - What Makes You Happy?
The night after Halloween my roommate and I bought a giant box of 350 Christmas lights. We spent two hours blasting Mariah Carey’s “All I want For Christmas Is You” radio station on Pandora as we hung up lights across every corner of our room. The best part however, was turning off our room lights and plugging in the Christmas lights.
It was in the split second from darkness to a stunning twinkle light lit room that my face truly lit up. We both squealed in joy at the sight of our transformed room. We probably stood in the doorway with starry-eyes looking at our masterpiece for quite some time. It wasn’t a crazy night out nor was it something that cost a whole paycheck, but it was the simplest, littlest thing that brought me so much joy, and probably one of the most memorable nights at Tufts.
I am not a person that needs a lot of items or extravagant night outs to be happy. I’m the kind of person that gets excited about going to Ihop for breakfast at midnight and cutting out paper snowflakes for cheap room decorations. To me, it is these little things that turn out to be the biggest and most unforgettable moments, and I know by the end of my four years at Tufts I will have hundreds of little moments like these that will have made my Tufts experience the best.