Tufts offers yearly pre-orientation programs that allow incoming first-year students to get oriented to campus early, meet upperclassmen, start getting involved with campus life, and meet other students who have similar interests or backgrounds. SQUAD (Students’ Quest for Unity in the African Diaspora) is one of the pre-orientation programs offered to incoming first-years!
SQUAD is a four day, student-led program focused on fostering and celebrating relationships within the African Diaspora. Through SQUAD, you will be able to learn about the history and experience of Black students at Tufts and become familiar with the resources available through the Africana center. So, why should YOU be a part of SQUAD? Because:
• You will explore intersections of ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and experience within the African-diaspora through personal narratives and historically written Black perspectives/insights
• You will be introduced to resources on campus and support systems for the nurturing of inter-community and individual care
• You will experience consciousness building through discussions that encourage curiosity and the examination of society and self
• You will get to explore Boston and establish bonds within the community.
• You will HAVE FUN!
Below are some student testimonials:
“SQUAD lit a light into my Tufts experience that would have otherwise been snuffed out. There is power in entering an environment where you know you are not alone. Where you are surrounded by people who not only look like you but are constantly teaching you and pushing you to grow. The connections that I made in SQUAD from both first years and peer leaders have lasted even now as I enter my last year at Tufts. It is also a very collaborative program so you get to meet students from other Pre-Os as well. Surviving Tufts is a feat in its own. But flourishing at Tufts? That’s SQUAD.” (Hezekiah Branch, Class of 2021)
“Being a part of SQUAD was so special. It helped me to get oriented to all of the resources at the Africana Center and it helped me to meet some of my best friends at Tufts.” (Jaime Givens, Class of 2023)
“I’m really thankful that I started out my Tufts experience with SQUAD. I highly recommend doing a pre-orientation program because SQUAD really shaped the way I moved through Tufts and gave me a lot of connections that I value to this day. I loved SQUAD so much that I came back as a peer leader twice to help give new students a fun experience.” (Kella Merlain-Moffatt, Class of 2020)
“SQUAD gave me the resources and community I needed to have a head start to my academics and Tufts career.” (Jalen Little, Class of 2023)