Last semester, I studied abroad at University College London (UCL) through the Tufts in London program. There was so much I loved about living and studying in London, but there were also lots of things I missed about Tufts and living in the Boston area. Since returning from abroad, I’ve gained a newfound appreciation for so many aspects of Tufts, but I’ve also brought back a few things from my life in London which I’ve been implementing into my life here at Tufts. Here is a list of some things I missed about Tufts while I was abroad, as well as a list of things I loved about living in London that I want to continue back at Tufts.
Things I missed about Tufts:
1. Bumping Into People Around Campus
When walking around Tufts’ campus, it’s impossible not to pass someone you know. What is unique to Tufts, though, is that people almost always wave or say hi as you pass by. This friendly atmosphere was greatly missed when I was abroad. Londoners can be a bit standoffish at times, and I missed Tufts students' friendly and welcoming nature.
2. Granoff Practice Rooms
At UCL, we only had two music practice rooms for the entire student body (over 25,000 undergrads!), so it was really difficult to book a practice room. Music is one of the most important things in my life, and I missed being able to sing and play the piano whenever I wanted to. At Tufts, the Granoff music building has many practice rooms that are first come first serve, and I am almost always able to find a room when I need to practice a song or I just want to have a bit of fun.
3. Fall at Tufts
While fall in London was undeniably beautiful, I have to say, fall at Tufts is unbeatable. The temperature is amazing (most of the time), the leaves are vibrant, and there’s just a joy and excitement around campus that is electric.
4. Clubs/Community Spaces
At UCL, I tried to join a few societies (clubs, but the British version), but it was difficult because I was only there for a term and I also wanted to do a lot of traveling. I often found myself missing the clubs I’m a part of at Tufts; My clubs here at Tufts are where I’ve met some of the most wonderful people and they have allowed me to meet new people every semester!
5. My Friends
When abroad, I was lucky enough to visit a lot of friends, and I had a few friends who were studying in London as well; however, there were lots of friends back at Tufts who I missed dearly. While FaceTime and texting are great, they can’t replace seeing someone in person.
Life in London I’m Bringing to Life at Tufts:
1. Café Culture/Doing Work in Cafés
The café culture in London is one of the best in the world (in my opinion). You can find cafés that serve food and drinks from all corners of the world, and some cafés that have bookstores attached or cats roaming about them! My favorites which I frequented often were Dillon’s Coffee in Bloomsbury and The Service in Mayfair. I loved doing my coursework in cafés while in London, and while I did that a bit before at Tufts, I really want to explore the café scene in the Boston area more!
2. Drinking More Tea
The Brits know a thing or two about making a good cup of tea. I would have two to three cups of tea in London— I just loved the ritual of it. I have been making an effort to drink more tea now that I’m back at Tufts. It’s so relaxing to sit and study with a nice cup of tea, it makes the whole process better!
3. Exploring the City
I tried to explore as much of London as I could in the three months I lived there, and I still didn’t get to do or see everything I wanted to. I realized that I haven’t explored as much of the Boston area as I would like, so I’m making an effort to go to a new part of the city or try a new café or restaurant every week!
4. Taking Trips Outside Boston
I definitely took advantage of London’s proximity to Europe and I also took many trips within the UK while abroad. There are so many places around Boston and the East Coast in general that I’ve wanted to travel to. Some of those places include Salem and Concord, Massachusetts (I’m a big Little Women fan). I’ve also been wanting to visit Washington, D.C., and go to New York City one weekend. Traveling around the UK and Europe made me realize that I can do my coursework anywhere and that I should try to travel more when I’m back at Tufts!
5. Academics
While some of my friends were taking classes on the history of wine in their study abroad programs, I was reading over a dozen books across the semester and writing a paper nearly every week. The academics at UCL were definitely not a walk in the park. The way the British write essays and analyze texts was very different from what I was used to; however, I’ve begun to implement much of what I learned at UCL here at Tufts, and my writing and analysis skills have never been better!
Studying abroad opened my eyes to so many new places, people, and ways of thinking, but it also made me appreciate Tufts and the wonderful community I have here. There were so many parts of Tufts that I was sure I would miss while abroad, and many of them I did, but there were also little things I missed, like being able to sing in the Granoff practice rooms or bumping into friends in the Campus Center. Studying abroad made me appreciate Tufts in a way I never have before. Tufts is truly a special place, and I can say with certainty that while I loved studying abroad in London, I’m ecstatic to be back at Tufts.