You know how everyone talks about their intense fitness journeys and strict gym schedules? Well, this isn't one of those stories. This semester, my friend and I decided to revolutionize the concept of working out by introducing a groundbreaking approach: going to the gym purely for funsies. Our schedule is what you might call flexible. And by flexible, I mean it's entirely dependent on when we feel like it, and we are quick to take a rest day when needed. Or two. Or seven.
Here's the thing. We are not gym enthusiasts. Despite a brief stint in high school where I was forced to memorize approximately 60 muscles of the human body in anatomy (all of which have conveniently evacuated my brain since then), my knowledge of gym equipment could fit on a post-it note. With room to spare. I will say my gym buddy has more knowledge than I do! Shoutout Karina! She guides me to the locker room (crazy layout for real) and has seen some TikToks of workouts that supposedly will give us abs (though we never really get through a full set (the spirit is willing but the core is weak)) and shows me what to do, though she makes me try out the equipment first usually. You might say I'm basically her personal equipment tester, but hey, if my confused fumbling makes her laugh, I count that as cardio.
The real entertainment comes from trying to figure out how to use the machines while pretending you know what you're doing. There's nothing quite like making eye contact with someone from your Stats class while you're attempting to decipher whether you're sitting on an elaborate torture device or a leg press. (It's usually both). Our equipment selection process is highly sophisticated- we simply use whatever looks fun. Who needs a structured workout plan when you can follow the "ooh, what does this do?" method? Though who knows, maybe one day we'll venture into the mysterious realm of actual weight lifting. But for now, we're perfectly content being the gym's resident lost puppies, having the time of our lives while accidentally getting fit. (Hopefully).
Look, I get it. If you're terrified of running into your classmates while awkwardly fumbling with equipment, I was (and still am) right there with you. But here's a life-changing gym hack: Airpods. They're the universal symbol for "please don't talk to me, I'm LOCKED IN." (Despite having forgotten to actually press play). Through careful statistical analysis (aka trial and error after my stats class), we've discovered the magical hour when the gym is practically empty. And about those intimidating gym bros? Half the time they're just wandering around talking to each other, taking pictures in the mirror, or having deep philosophical conversations while occasionally touching a dumbbell. And the girls at the gym seem so supportive! We haven't actually asked any of them for help yet, but I have this feeling that if we genuinely had a question about equipment, they'd be nice about it. Like, they seem way less likely to laugh at me than my brother would when I inevitably describe a machine as "that one where you're supposed to gracefully open and close your legs while pretending you're totally comfortable doing this in public."
But here's the plot twist- I'm pretty sure my arms are actually getting stronger? Like, legitimately stronger. Watch out, brother of mine- our next arm wrestling match might have a surprising outcome! Yeaaaah! I find myself flexing in every remotely reflective surface now, convincing myself that yes, that shadow in the window definitely shows muscle definition. Don't worry though, you won't catch me doing any of those dramatic dry-scoop protein powder challenges you see boys from your high school do on their Snapchat stories (you know the ones, filming themselves choking on powder while Lil Baby plays in the background). I'm keeping it strictly casual over here.
After a day of being intellectually waterboarded by lectures and hunching over textbooks, there's something surprisingly therapeutic about just moving around. And having a workout buddy? Game changer. The gym has become our unofficial storytelling sanctuary, complete with dramatic retellings of our day's adventures between sets, impromptu hype sessions when one of us conquers a machine, and enough lore dropping to fill a fitness manual. And it's been surprisingly fun! Once you embrace the fact that everyone was a beginner at some point (and that most people are too focused on their own workouts to notice you, (you’re probably not that special AND THAT’S A GOOD THING)), it becomes this weird, enjoyable adventure. Who knew that not taking yourself too seriously could make exercising actually enjoyable? And I've gotten closer with the bestie who I go with. She has seen me at my most glamorous- red-faced, dripping sweat, and making sounds like someone who forgot how breathing works while attempting our third and final rep. Our friendship has reached that beautiful stage where we've both seen each other attempt to do a plank while simultaneously trying to check how much time is left on our phones. It's all downhill from here.
So here's to casual gym-going, to laughing at ourselves, and to pretending we know what we're doing until we accidentally do. And if you see me at the gym looking confused, please, I beg you– look away. Pretend you're suddenly fascinated by the ceiling tiles. We can awkwardly avoid eye contact like proper gym etiquette demands.