It’s my last semester. With this fact brings a lot of joy, a lot of sadness, and a lot of uncertainty. Part of me, like a child still, yearns for the years before me, foolishly delaying the inevitable when I have to enter this messy, scary, unforgiving, yet beautiful reality called adulthood. I’m trying to make the most of all, spending time with friends, trying new things I haven’t done before. Yet, I wonder: will this be the semester I dreamed of? How will I close my college years and look behind on this, my formative years of adulthood? Will the road lead me to where I need to be?
And yet…isn’t that the wonder of it all? I was reminded of this when I watched Forrest Gump over break. Things will happen that are out of our control, but we can choose how to react to it, either see everything that comes our way as an opportunity or a failure, continue going towards our original goals or change direction. And, that, I realized, is what a true adult is. No one knows everything, whether they’re a powerful CEO or a 80 year old retiree. We’re all doing the best we can at figuring out life, and making our mark on the world. People make fun of youth’s naivete all the time, but we’re using the lessons learned now to help us deal with new challenges in the future when we have to shoulder the crises of the world. With one step from the past’s wisdom and one step in the now, eyes on our future goals, we’ll keep moving forward as best we can.
So, instead of worrying about the future, I’m taking this chance to carve out new parts of my life and setting new goals for myself, fitting in with the new year. One new goal I’m taking on is finding new hobbies. I love animals, so I’ve applied to volunteer at several pet shelters around the area. I’ve recently gotten into interior decorating, and bought new posters to upgrade my room, which I felt was in need of a new start. I throw my time into crocheting and making cute little creations to liven up the atmosphere. And finally, I love shopping, looking into new makeup, and into new fashion styles, learning how to pair tops with different skirts and pants, while matching the colors well. I hope to carry these new hobbies with me into the future.
And, now let me ask you, dear readers, what new goal are you setting for yourself this year or new thing you want to do for yourself?