The second semester started just a couple of weeks ago here at Tufts. My schedule now in the second semester is a little different from my schedule in semester 1. I would like to share with you what my second semester schedule looks like now and what your second semester schedule could look like if you come to Tufts in the future!
On Monday and Wednesdays, I only have one class.
9:00-12:30 - I usually go to the library to study and complete homework for my classes
12:30-1:00 - I eat lunch for about 30 minutes at DeWick Dining Hall
1:30-2:00 - I take a walk around campus
2:00-3:00 - I get prepared for Africana Studies. I review my notes and I review the reading we will discuss in class that day
3:00-4:15 - I have Intro to Africana Studies virtually
4:15-6:00 - I watch tv and relax
6:00-7:00 - I eat dinner at Dewick
7:00-8:00 I watch Tv in my room especially jeopardy which is my favorite show to watch on TV
8:00-10:00- I finish up any work I have left
10:00-11:00- I read and unwind before bed at 11:15
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are usually a little busier for me.
7:30-10:15- Wake up, get dressed and shower, eat breakfast and walk to my 10:30 Philosophy class
11:45-12:00 - Walk across campus for my French Class
12:00-1:00- French Class
1:00-1:30 - Lunch at the Dewick dining hall
2:00-3:30 - I take some time to relax and read or just hang out with some of my friends
4:00-5:45 - Take time to study and finish some of my homework
6:00-6:40- I attend my French recitation where students who take French practice conversing in French outside of class time
7:00-8:00 - I eat dinner after my French recitation.
8:00-10:00 - After dinner I finish any work I didn’t finish any work earlier
10:00-11:00 - I unwind maybe read a book and then its lights off at 11
On Fridays my schedule looks a little different:
8:00 - I wake up
10:15 - I head to the Benjamin F. Brown school which is about a 10-15 minute walk from Tufts it is in Sommerville. I have started to tutor 2nd grade students in math there as a work-study job. I am apart of a program called Tufts Literacy Corps which is a program here at Tufts that employs Tufts students as tuturos and sends them out to local schools in order to help children with math as well as reading
11:15 - I head back to campus after my job and get ready for my 12pm French class
1:00 - After French ends at 1 I have to hurry up and eat lunch for about 20 minutes before heading to my Nutrition Class at Barnum Hall which lasts from 1:30-4:30
At 6:00- I eat dinner and then at 7 I usually hang out with friends or just unwind from my busy week for the rest of the night