Tufts University has long been a hub of civic engagement and student activism. The bulletin board in the Campus Center is crowded with colorful flyers advertising lectures and events on topics spanning Equine Therapy Farms and African Influences in Latin America (two real events I attended). Even if you are not pursuing a major in International Relations, Civic Studies, or Political Science, there are over a dozen student clubs and organizations to get involved in!
- JumboVote is the student-run and non-partisan voting organization at Tufts that provides resources and education to students on all things voting-related. Last year, JumboVote helped the Tufts mailroom process over 1,300 mail-in ballots and registered more than 400 students to vote on National Voter Registration Day.
- Tufts Democrats is a student club that promotes Democratic policies, engages in dialogue on campus, and hosts events with local and national Democratic leaders.
- Tufts Republicans is a student club that holds events year round, collaborates to bring conservative leaders to campus, and engages in campus-wide discussions on the greater United States.
- The Federalist Society (FedSoc) is a relatively new student group that brings conservative and libertarian perspectives to campus by hosting speaker panels on current-day events and collaborating with other clubs.
- CIVIC (Cooperation and Innovation in Citizenship) is a Tufts student group that promotes civic engagement, political dialogue, and active citizenship through weekly meetings. All are welcome to attend, learn about a topic, and participate in a lively discussion.
In addition to the student clubs mentioned above, Tufts is home to a rich literary community.
- Tufts Daily is the Tufts independent student newspaper that covers everything from campus news, politics, and cultural issues to foster informed civic engagement. You can bet that any protest, important speaker, or polemic issue at Tufts will be covered in the Daily.
- Tufts Tribune is a student-run publication offering in-depth investigative and “point/counter-point” opinion pieces on national and campus-related topics ranging from divestment policies to the Tufts Community Union.
- The Observer is Tufts’ primary art and literary magazine that provides a platform for creative expression and storytelling. Each cycle, the Observer publishes pieces on Campus Life and News providing thoughtful and thorough analyses of each.
One of the most iconic symbols of Tufts that depicts the spirit of student activism and engagement that is so embedded in this school is The Cannon. Painted only after sundown (with respect to the Tufts tradition), it serves as a public message board for political statements and expressions of solidarity. And with so many student groups advocating for justice, you can always bet the Cannon has a fresh coat of spray paint.
With a supportive environment for civic engagement, Tufts students don’t just learn about democracy; they actively participate in it.