We’ve all been there: January 1st rolls around, and suddenly we are “totally” going to stick to a workout routine, get organized, or finally do that project we’ve been putting off. Then, by mid-January, we are less excited and back to our same old ways. But hey, it’s 2025. New year, new me? This year might be the one where everything falls into place. Or, at least you know we can try.
As a junior at Tufts, I (somewhat) have a routine going. My academic goals are pretty standard: survive the semester. Just kidding–sort of. While I have a few dreams of getting A’s in every class, submitting all my assignments on time, and understanding every concept taught to me, I know the reality looks like “I will get it done eventually…I hope.” Last year, I made a list of In’s and Outs. My first “In” was participating more in class. I’m typically not one to raise my hand unless it’s a part of my grade. But, I realized that speaking up and saying what I took away made me focus, engage, and learn better. This 100% made my 2 ½ hour lecture classes a whole lot better. If you hesitate to put your hand up, take baby steps. Small moments even if it’s just a quick thought or agreeing with a point can go a long way.
Another big goal this year I completed? Actually studying. Like, really studying. I tend to rely too much on just physically attending class and doing no sort of review. When I had exams, I had to study the day before and cram everything. Even though this isn’t something I completely mastered, I am setting aside more minutes to review material outside of class. Who knows, it might pay off in the long run. I’d recommend starting with short reviews, even if it’s not every day - pick one day to truly lock in so you don’t have to stay up reviewing. You’ll thank me later.
And now for a fun one, a change of scenery (because, let’s face it, we all need to get in touch with nature now and then) I got to explore more of Boston’s cafe scenery. I tried various matcha, and breakfast sandwiches, and got to experience the early MBTA rush hour. From cozy corners to quieter spots, I have realized that the right environment can make a huge difference. I’m on a mission to find my new favorite cafe to study in. A good way to look for good recs is through Tiktok—I have tried Phinista Cafe in Porter Square to Green Haus in Boston.
Oh, and the most ambitious goal this year: going to office hours. For the first time. I know, I know, it’s unheard of. But, I’ve always been the type to try to figure things out on my own. This year and even 2025, I’m finally embracing the idea that office hours are an opportunity to connect with professors who helped me figure out steps to take for my future. Scary, but it helped me build relationships with amazing professors. Don’t wait until you’re struggling to go. Go early on, introduce yourself, or even just a quick check-in. You might get more out of it thank you think, and a letter of recommendation.
So with everything I learned in 2024, 2025 might be my year- to ace every exam or have a good routine. In the end, I grew, learned from my mistakes, and found what works for me, I stepped out of my comfort zone, and that’s a huge step for me. Will I get it total right this year? Probably not, but if I can make it through without totally stressing out, I call that a win.