Over the last four years, you have learned so much. I am not just talking about learning within the classroom. You’ve gained valuable insight into yourself and the world around you through other avenues; extracurriculars. We genuinely appreciate your extracurriculars because they give us insight into what you do outside of the classroom. So, now it's time to break down your extracurriculars list and see what counts.
- Do you have a job? This counts! A job gives you a new view on the world. My experience working at a local dental office really transformed my time in high school. Not only did I learn so much from the patients and their stories but I also was able to understand the ins and outs of running a small business. Your time working, no matter the industry, has taught you something new so share it!
- Do you play an instrument? Very cool, that counts! You don't need to be the next Lenny Kravitz or Jimi Hendrix. It's important for us to understand how you are spending your time so even if you practice a few hours a week, include it in your application.
- Do you take care of a sibling? That’s a HUGE responsibility, and it definitely counts! Between my part time job and taking care of my niece and nephew, I didn't have much time to get involved with a lot of activities. If you feel like helping your family takes up a large amount of your time, let us know.
- Do you attend religious services? Count it! Involvement in a religious community takes commitment and time. You are pursuing this outside of your formal school setting so make sure to let us know about it.
- Do you have a hobby like metal detecting, drawing, or something else that is an independent pursuit? Tell us about it! Your school might not offer an opportunity for you to pursue one of your passions. Developing and advancing a skill on your own takes initiative - be sure to tell us about it in your description of the extracurricular.
- Do you watch Netflix? Sweet! I'm glad you are giving yourself the space to decompress! However, we wouldn’t count that as an extracurricular. Not everything you do has to count towards your college application, so I hope that you give yourself a mental break.
Most of your pursuits outside of school are an extracurricular, just be sure to give us details in the description so that we see why this is a meaningful experience for you! Now go forth and enjoy your time outside of class! Don’t stress about whether something will look good on a college application - we want you to do what's important to you and follow your interests, no matter if that’s a sport, learning a language, writing your own novel, or helping your family.